Town of Okotoks Water Smart Business Grant Presentation

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Name: Town of Okotoks Water Smart Business Grant Presentation
Date: March 1, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:
The new Water Smart Business Grant for the commercial, industrial and institutional (ICI) sector in Okotoks allows businesses to apply for up to a maximum of $10,000 for indoor and outdoor water-conservation projects and upgrades. Not only can this grant provide money back on the initial cost of the project, but it will also continue to save money on utility bills, through reducing overall water use for years to come.
There are four types of eligible projects including water-wise landscaping (xeriscape), irrigation upgrades, indoor water fixture replacements, and rain or storm water capture or reuse. Businesses may include more than one project type in your application, and with the flexible nature of the grant businesses can customize the project for their needs, as long as they stay within the grant guidelines.
Businesses, and institutions such as schools and churches, non-profit organizations, and condominium boards who have a utility account with the Town of Okotoks are eligible to apply.

Here are a few more details:
  • There is no ‘matching’ like in the residential rebate program (i.e. receive 50% of the cost back). So if a business’ grant is successful, then they will receive the eligible amount they applied for (up to a max of $10,000).
  • There are indoor and outdoor projects that are eligible. As an example, not only does the indoor water project category cover upgrading to low-flow toilets, faucets and showerheads, but it also covers the cost of other things like an ENERGY STAR qualified ice machine. So a restaurant could not only save the cost to purchase the machine, but they’d also save upwards of an estimated $4,000 a year on their water bill!
  • The grant is designed to look at all applications and then evaluate and award funding based on the percentage of water the project saves in relation to the business’ water use. Outdoor projects must have projected summer water savings of 15 to 30% or more, and indoor projects must project an annual savings of at least 20%. So well-thought out and planned projects are encouraged. It’s important to note that all applications are scored, so not necessarily all applications will receive grant funds – it’s based on the criteria outlined in the scoring rubric.
  • The application period is now open through March 31, 2022. We encourage businesses to get started on the process early as the application does require some work up front to complete the application form, and round up supporting documents such as estimates, landscape plans, and material lists, depending on the project type.
Topic: Town of Okotoks Water Smart Business Grant Presentation
Time: Mar 1, 2022 12:00 PM Calgary
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